Our QC monitors the loading process, verifying product quantity, container condition and ensuring the proper handling of your shipment. Quality spot-checks are performed before loading to ensure your order meets your standards. However, this examination is not as detailed as a PSI (pre-shipment inspection).
Our main check points are as below:
-   Record the weather/ arrival time of container/ container No./ truck No.
-   Check the inner & outer condition to see whether there is any damage/ wet/ hole/ peculiar smell.
-   Check the quantity of goods loaded and record the condition of outer packaging (master cartons/ pallets).
-   Randomly draw and open some cartons to verify that the goods meet with customer’s specification.
-   Supervise the whole loading process.
-   Record the seal No. and departure time of container
Performing a loading supervision will help you to:
-   Make sure what is loaded in your container.
-   Perform a final check on the products, packing etc.
-   Keep pressure on your vendor shoulders.
-   Save time and secure your business!